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 Login Problems

Nearly all login problems are the result of either an incorrect password, or cookie related problems. Please click here if you have lost your password and it can be emailed to you. The rest of this document is devoted to correcting cookie related problems. You can click here to automatically test your browser. If you are still having problems please contact us.

What are cookies?
Cookies are a means to store temporary information, such as your UserID, in your browser. Cookies will not fill up your hard drive or memory as they are only a few bytes each. Most of the cookies used in this site also expire at the end of the day, or once you close your browser. If you are concerned about cookies - we only use them to check your access rights. We do not use them for any purpose that may concern you.

  • In Netscape 4 at the very top of your screen click on VIEW then PREFERENCES then click ON THE WORD - ADVANCED. You will see a heading Advanced, towards the bottom you will find the word COOKIES. Please tick 'Accept all cookies' then OK.
  • In Microsoft Internet Explorer 4, at the very top of the screen click on VIEW, then INTERNET OPTIONS then ADVANCED, scroll down to SECURITY and within that section you will see COOKIES. Tick this for 'Always accept cookies' then OK.
  • In Microsoft Internet Explorer 5, at the very top of the screen click on TOOLS, then INTERNET OPTIONS, then click on the SECURITY tab. If you see the security slide bar, make sure it is on MEDIUM or lower. If you don't then you are probably on a custom level. In this case click on the custom levels button to check that you have got 'stored cookies' and 'per-session' cookes enabled.
  • In Microsoft Internet Explorer 6, at the very top of the screen click on TOOLS, then INTERNET OPTIONS, then click on the PRIVACY tab. Make sure that the privacy slidebar is set to MEDIUM or lower. Or, if you are unsure then click on the DEFAULT button.
  • For other versions - please check any options that are similar.

What if my Cookies are enabled but I'm still having problems

In certain situations browsers may behave incorrectly, particularly when proxies, firewalls or caching are in use.
Some times these devices can prevent the your cookie information from being transfered correctly.

  • You may have a proxy running. This can remove 'cookies' or prevent pages from refreshing properly.  Please try to disable your proxies as follows :

    In Netscape 4.0 at the very top of your screen click on VIEW then PREFERENCES then click the little box with a + in it next to ADVANCED to expand it. You will see a heading called PROXY. Click on this then on 'Direct connection to the Internet' then OK.

    In Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0, at the very top of the screen click on VIEW, then INTERNET OPTIONS then CONNECTIONS. In the middle panel you will see the word PROXY 'Access the Internet using a proxy'. Take the tick OFF (if this is on) then OK.

    Note : Some ISPs require that you use their proxy by using it in conjunction with a firewall. If you find that you can no longer browse the web after switching it off then you will need to contact your ISP to ask for advice about how to work around their proxy.

  • Switching from Enable Cookies to Disable Cookies and then back to Cookies to test can leave old settings in the cache.  Please clear your cache.

In Netscape 4.0 at the very top of your screen click on VIEW then PREFERENCES then click the little box with a + in it next to ADVANCED to expand it. You will see a heading called PROXY. Click on this then on 'Direct connection to the Internet' then OK.

In Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0, at the very top of the screen click on VIEW, then INTERNET OPTIONS then CONNECTIONS. In the middle panel you will see the word PROXY 'Access the Internet using a proxy'. Take the tick OFF (if this is on) then OK.

  • Try rebooting your machine as this can sometimes clear inconsistancies caused by proxies and caching.
  • If you are connected to a corporate network you may be using a firewall that is removing the cookie.  Please check with your network administrator to see if they can modify the firewall to help.
  • If you are still having problems, you may need to re-install your browser, or upgrade your browser to the latest version.

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